Information for Participants
Tutorial Information
The ISMIR 2006 tutorials will take place at University of Victoria
campus at the new Engineering and Computer Science building.
A map of the UVic campus showing the building (lower
left corner) can be found at:
UVic 3D map
There is frequent public transportation from downtown and the Empress to UVic:
Route 4
Route 14
Important: Sunday Oct. 8th also happens to be the Royal Victoria Marathon
so make sure you check the bus detours posted on the webpage above.
These are the two easiest routes. The staff at the Empress will also be able to
help you with arranging for a taxi which would be quite affordable
when shared between 2-4 people.
- Download the registration form (.pdf) and fill in
- Fill in the required fields including the credit card
information. Sign BY HAND. (In case you do not have a credit
card, contact the conference organizers via email to submit
your registration information.)
- Fax the completed registration form to:
ISMIR 2006
Attn: Nancy M. Chan
Dept of Computer Science
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3055 STNCSC
Victoria, BC V8W 3P6
Fax: +1 250 472 5708
Note: Only students with valid student cards qualify for the student member
discount. Refund poly: Processing fee of 50 CAD before Sep. 1 2006. No
refunds after Sep. 1.
The following tutorials have been scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 8
(more information will be provided on the schedule):
- Computational Rhythm Description - F. Gouyon, S. Dixon
- User Interfaces for Music Information Retrievail - D. Gerhard
- Baysian Methods for Music Signal Analysis - A. Taylan Cemgil
- Marsysas-0.2 for audio MIR - G. Tzanetakis, L. G. Martins
ISMIR 2006, will be held at the :
The hotel is one of the landmarks of Victoria and staying
there is a great and unique experience. The room rates we have
negotiated are very competitive and we are confident
that it is a superb location to host ISMIR. Almost all
ISMIR activities will take place in the hotel facilities
allowing more time for interaction and socializing.
We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity
to visit beautiful Victoria.
Room rates
- Regular: 156 CAD (not including taxes, double occupancy)
- Student: 104 CAD (not including taxes, double occupancy)
In addition, children under 18 sharing a room with their parents
receive complimentary accommodation.
Regular participants can directly make reservations using
the following link (promotional code: GRISM1)
Fairmont Reservations
Student participants need to email the organizing committee (see
contact link) which will verify their student status in order to
create a rooming list. Currently there are 50 student rate rooms
available that will be allocated in a first-come, first serve order.
Two students can share a room and must clearly indicate their
room-mates in their email.
Travel Information